Tuesday, April 05, 2011

A summary of Fighter+Angel + title revealing for final project in the trilogy

First came Fighter...
In the early spring of 2009 a young woman lost her fight for life
due to skin cancer spreading inside her body and taking the toll on her.
It's really hard to describe, but during the short time I
followed her blog, I must say I was stunned and amazed by
her willpowers to live. Therefore it felt absolutely no more
than right to honour her by writing a collection of lyrics
to be published (and was published) on what would have been
her 35th birthday that very same autumn.

To be honest, it was probably (at least up to date) the
easiest thing I've done. It was just like the lyrics
were writing themselves. 18 tracks were written, all
of them ended up on the project. No outtakes, that would've
been a shame I think. When it comes to styles, they were
ranging all over the place to say the least. All in all,
a very good day at work.

Then came Angel...
Might've called it Warrior earlier. Sorry for that mishap.
Didn't really plan for either the Warrior twist or the
project itself to happen (as usual?), just wrote a simple
single track and didn't think more about it. However,
just like the first one it was like the songs started
writing themselves in some mystical way. Still exciting
though. Wasn't any surprises regarding the styles and stuff
either. A little pop, a little country, a few ballads, and so on.

Tried to capture that easy, demo-ish, acoustic, yeah,
that "live in the studio"-feeling on a few tracks.
It ended with those tracks influencing almost the whole rest
of the project. Not that I was complaining though.
Afterwards, it's been feeling like it was the best trick
I could pull out. The title by the way, was nicked from
a song from Fighter. Should've served as the title song to
this if you ask me.

The third and last one then...
Had a thought about making that in swedish, even had a
swedish version finished. Scrapped it all in the end though,
for another english thing (still have the swedish lyrics
laying in the vaults though). We'll simply see what happens.
Might as well be released as a one-off thing sometime.
Looking at this one though, I can safely say that it
keeps up with the previous ones, as well as taking a
distant look into the far future when I'll be meeting
the person in question again.

So I guess this circle is slowly being closed.
The trilogy dedicated to a warrior princess is completed.
Regarding the title, I was about to name it "Soldier"
as well aS "Xena", but since the first one felt too vicious
and the second one is protected, I finally settled for the
small, yet strengthening word of "Hope", simply because it
symbolised her. She was a Fighter, an Angel,
and she never lost Hope.
Rest in peace.

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